As fathers we juggle numerous responsibilities, from managing demanding careers to nurturing our families, the stresses of being a dad are constant and endless. And with growing demands on our time dad’s often neglect the one thing that is perhaps most important, our health and well-being.
While it can seem incredibly difficult to get healthy while juggling everything that comes with being a super-dad, yoga is most definitely the answer!
Read on to know why.
One of the most effective and rewarding ways to improve your health is through yoga, and this is especially true for us dads.
Unlike traditional fitness routines, yoga offers a unique and unparalleled blend of physical, mental, and emotional benefits.
High-intensity workouts, running or weightlifting are great for physical development, but they can strain the body and lead to injuries, something us Dad’s definitely have no time for.
Yoga is so great because it combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation into one quick, easy, infinitely scalable workout.
Firstly, it significantly reduces stress and anxiety, which are common issues for men balancing work and family life. Yoga’s emphasis on deep breathing and mindfulness helps lower cortisol levels, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
Secondly, yoga improves flexibility and reduces the risk of injury. As men age, our muscles naturally become stiffer, leading to discomfort and potential injuries. Regular yoga practice keeps muscles supple and joints healthy.
Additionally, yoga enhances cardiovascular health and boosts immunity. It improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, and strengthens the heart. For fathers, maintaining a healthy heart is crucial, as cardiovascular disease is a leading health concern among Dads.
Best of all, yoga can be done anywhere, at anytime, without much equipment. Even a quick 15minute yoga flow is sure to leave you energised, refreshed and ready to take on anything.
So if you’re looking to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life, and become a better role model for your children, do give yoga a try.
And if you don’t know where to start, I’ve listed down my five favourite asanas that anyone can do
Navasana (Boat pose)
- Sit on your yoga mat with your hands resting by your hips. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor.
- Keep your back straight and lean back slightly.
- Lift your legs up as you balance on your sitting bones.
- Once you find a stability, reach your arms forward with your palms outstretched.
- Focus on engaging your core and keeping your breath steady.
Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Fold)
- Sit on your yoga mat with both legs extended in front of you.
- Bend your left knee and bring your left heel to your groin.
- Turn your upper body slightly so that your torso is over your right leg
- Inhale and extend your spine, lifting your arms overhead.
- As you exhale bend over your right leg which is extended out
- Try and reach your arms towards your toes, as far as possible
- Hold on to your right leg for more support if needed
- Stay in this position for a few breaths before you release and switch sides
Vrikshasana (Tree pose)
- Stand tall with your feet close to each other.
- As you exhale, lift your right leg and place the foot on the inner left thigh.
- Take a few breaths to find balance here
- As you inhale, raise your arms and join them together
- Hold for a few breaths
- Release and repeat on the other side
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
- Lay down with your stomach on the yoga mat.
- Stretch your legs such that the top of your feet are touching the mat
- Place your hands on the mat beneath your shoulders, with your elbows tucked in.
- Press your feet, thighs and pelvic bone into the yoga mat.
- Inhale as you straighten your arms and lift your chest off the floor
- Keep your pelvis touching the mat
- Take a few deep breaths here as you feel your back stretch and chest open
Veerbhadrasana (Warrior 3 pose)

- Stand at the top of your yoga mat, feet about hips-width apart
- Extend your arms up to the ceiling
- Ground your right leg and begin to balance on it as you slowly transfer your weight
- Hinge your upper body forward and stretch your left leg out behind you
- Engage your core, look at your yoga mat below and try and balance yourself here
- Remember to keep your left foot flexed and your hips squared and parallel to the mat
- After holding for a few breaths, repeat on the other side
Start with holding each of these asanas for 5 - 10breaths and if you have trouble accessing the above asanas, remember to use simple props like yoga blocks or yoga straps to help you progress.
Give these five asanas a go and you’ll be amazed at how great you feel in a matter of weeks
Happy practising.
About the Author: This article is written by co-founder at Kosha Yoga, part-time sportsman, full-time father and budding yogi