yoga asanas for pregnant women

Finding Comfort in Chaos: Prenatal Yoga To Ease Aches and Pains

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey, but it's not without its challenges. As the body undergoes profound changes to accommodate the growing life within, it's not uncommon for expectant mothers to experience various aches and pains.  

So, we asked Devyani Puri, a yoga teacher who specialises in pre-natal yoga, how expectant mothers can use simple yoga asanas to make their pregnancy as comfortable as possible, and she was kind enough to share her thoughts.

Read on to know the asanas she recommends for expectant mothers.

Kosha Yoga Co Meditation Yoga Mats

Calm Your Busy Mind: A Guide To Ujjayi Breathing

Ujjayi Pranayama, also known as ocean breath, is a meditative technique that is used to anchor your thoughts, bringing you stillness and relaxation, while leaving you energised and refreshed. You can even combine this breathing exercise with your yoga practice to increase awareness and focus.
Kosha Yoga Co Non Slip Cork Blocks

12 Ways To Use Yoga Blocks

Teju Dhoot tells you why a pair of solid, sturdy yoga blocks are your best friend and guide when it comes to deepening your yoga practice.

She also demonstrates 12 easy ways to use them.

Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation on Kosha Yoga Co

Surya Namaskars - Your Initiation to Yoga

Contemplating taking up Yoga for a while, but are unsure of where to start? Getting on your journey with Yoga could seem intimidating, there are so many styles of Yoga, so many postures, variations and modifications.

Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar might just be the best place to start. Read on to know why.
Kosha Yoga Co Arm Balances yoga Mat

Bakasana (Crow Pose): Empowering Yourself with Arm Balances

Our yoga practice can be comforting, but challenging, too. That’s what is most beautiful about Yoga – it creates a balance between comfort and challenge, flexibility and strength, spiritual and physical. Arm balances can be extremely challenging but equally empowering. Read more about how to get started on your journey to arm balances!